As part of our mission to create healthier communities, St. Elizabeth Healthcare supports the charitable efforts of a number of organizations through our Sponsorship Program. The program is funded annually and is subject to the availability of funds.
Before submitting an application, all applicants are encouraged to review the sponsorship criteria.
While we strive to support as many important initiatives as possible, we regret that we cannot approve all requests. Therefore, applications must meet all of the following criteria:
1. The event or project must directly benefit the communities served by St. Elizabeth Healthcare.
2. The event or project must be consistent with St. Elizabeth Healthcare’s mission, vision, and values.
3. The requesting organization must be perceived to be effective, and the activity must be relevant to the perceived needs of our community.
4. The request must represent a not-for-profit organization in good standing that has a positive community image.
5. The request must meet the promotional needs of St. Elizabeth Healthcare. St. Elizabeth must receive recognition of sponsorship through the approved use of our logo in advertising, public announcements, and other materials produced for the event.
6. All organizations must submit requests a minimum of 60 days prior to the publication of any marketing materials for the event and/or your sponsorship deadline. Requests that are received less than 60 days in advance risk being excluded from consideration. All sponsorships are subject to annual review and evaluation.
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St. Elizabeth Healthcare strives to support as many community initiatives as possible. Unfortunately, we are unable support all requests. Therefore, applications must meet the following criteria:
1. The event must directly benefit the geographic area served by St. Elizabeth Healthcare.
2. The event must be consistent with St. Elizabeth Healthcare’s mission, vision, and values.
3. The requesting organization must be perceived to be a valuable community partner.
4. The requesting organization must be a not-for-profit entity in good standing with a positive community image.
5. The event must provide perceived exposure value and recognition for St. Elizabeth Healthcare.
6. The event must address the perceived needs of our community.